Sunday, April 24, 2011

Boatyard Bash

The Shields fleet 3 boatyard bash is a yearly event that-in theory-has all the crews of the different boats coming together to work on the boats and share tools and knowloedge. In reality a few boats show up, get about 20 minutes of work done, all the while eating grilled foods and doing some day-drinking.

2011 was no exception, and 88's team embodied the spirit of the event: we did a little work, grabbed some Churros, and mostly stood around drinking and watching the river. Photos are below, but we did tackle some actual projects:

-Team Twing (Niki and Rick) fixed the port twing bracket (note drink holders in use)

-Team Halyard (Katie and Jacob) replaced our new spin halyard with our old one
-Team Underdeck Storage Soluations (Katie, appearing like a raccoon caught in camera flash)

-Blue Team (Doug) did something involving padeyes

-Team Breakfast (Andy) stood around and ate sausage and was mocked for this

Here are some other photos

Team Team misunderstanding the "asses on the rail" part of boating

Hey look another boat!