Thursday, August 5, 2010

The non-beercan 8-4

I was really excited for sailing yesterday, as the 130 guys were coming back out to play, but I may have been the only one... There was a bit of a conference call between Niki and Steve S where it was decided that despite the rain, lightning and lack of wind we were going to go to CYC anyway.

When we got there there was good and bad news: the good in that Gabe K was going to sail 150 for a whopping 3 boat total, the bad in that there was zero breeze. The RC called it off, so we went to the fantail to consider the prospect of sailing anyway. There was a great 2kt puff for a while, but that faded and we decided drinking beer was the best use of our time. Eventually Skip Schink motored by in his 36.7, and the group hopped aboard for a motor down to Navy Pier and back. This was quite fun, and crowded with Shields sailors from 88. 130, ex90, 39, 249 and 126. A good way to roll with the forecast.

Saturday racing again this week, which is quite sadly the second to last day of Chicago Shields series racing for us. The good news is that while we'll be missing a race day, it's because we'll be sailing 88 at Nationals in Mystic. Yeehaw! Looks like 3 Chicago boats are going, with 30 entries rumored.

The pregame wrapup. Note Challenge SS50 in background, the Teborek family boat that got 1st in section and 5th overall in the Chi-Mac.
The view did not suck
Jacob, Katie, Matt, Steve and Niki
Skip, Tim, Rob
our helmsman was not able to see over the crowd, and was steering by compass. He did a fine job , especially considering the multiple "you see that boat/jetski/city, right?" calls he was receiving

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