Saturday, April 12, 2008

Cove Stripes

We're trying to decide whether to have a cove stripe on the boat or not. A cove stripe is a thin line on the topsides, just below the sheerline.

My friend Mick, who is a pro finisher, says he thinks we need one. I remember Mike S always saying they were there to make fat boats look skinny, and that the Shields doesn't need one. Me, I could really care less! What do you think? Here are a couple choices: No stripe, black stripe, red stripe, white stripe and blue stripe.


Tim said...

"Need" is a relative term, but cove stripes, done correctly, add class and style to any boat. Done incorrectly, you're better off leaving it off. They're more critical on boats with high topsides, as, along with properly-struck boottops, they help reduce the visual height. This isn't a key need on a Shields, but that doesn't mean that a cove stripe wouldn't look nice. (It would.)

They need to be wide enough to be seen, but not too wide. They need to be the right distance from the gunwale--not too close and not too far. They need to be right, and "right" isn't an easy thing to objectify.

To my eye, cove stripes need to either match the boottop color (white, in your case), or be gold leaf. Gold leaf (or the simulated gold leaf vinyl tape for us mere mortals) is, in my opinion, the classiest, but isn't always necessary. Coves are supposed to be subtle accents, not features that immediately grab the eye.

Anyway, good luck. I can't wait to see the paint!

Chicago Yacht Rigging said...


I think we're going to test out these different strips with some samples held to the hull once it's awlgripped. I'm not that imaginative so I think we'll need the real thing!

Gold stripes are pretty cool, 150 has gold coves and looks great, although I'm trying not to borrow too much for that boat (beyond parts)

Bill Evans said...


I say borrow away. If I limited my color choices to those untried Bolero would be hideous.

I, of course, completely agree with Tim on this. I do, however, think that the Shields "need" a cove stripe. Indeed they are long and skinny but I feel that the cove stripe lengthens the bow and reduces the perception of the higher bow freeboard.

Just my two cents. She is looking grand.


Bill Evans said...


I say borrow away. If I limited my color choices to those untried Bolero would be hideous.

I, of course, completely agree with Tim on this. I do, however, think that the Shields "need" a cove stripe. Indeed they are long and skinny but I feel that the cove stripe lengthens the bow and reduces the perception of the higher bow freeboard.

Just my two cents. She is looking grand.


Chicago Yacht Rigging said...

from dave:

I like Tim's comments. Like the thought of the gold. Anyhow, after viewing your displays - the strip definitely improves the look!


Hmm.. Gold eh? Well, 150's skipper is coming over for beer tonight, we'll see what he thinks about gold.

Or instead, we could always go back to my original plan (butt ugly boat, but fast) and make the stripes 6" wide and plaid.

Anonymous said...

Do it, finishes off the boat!

Anonymous said...

I don't know that you need a cove stripe, but I think that if you do, you should go with white. It mirrors the bootstripe nicely and looks clean.