Sunday, April 26, 2009

Shields 88 Spring Update

Poor 88! I have had barely any time to get things done this spring, and even less to write about it...

But here's whats new since the last update:

Fixed damage from match racing last fall
added rubrail
added blue stripe
added 2:1 jib sheets
underdeck topper exit
wetsanded bottom (at the Shields Boatyard Bash)
new traveler line
new spinnaker

The control upgrades (topper, jib sheets) are kind of a test to see how it works. If it goes well we'll start pushing it to the fleet. New spinnaker will be nice, although our old ones actually pretty good especially running. The bottom is a big deal. While short of a actual fair job, I'm glad we at least surfaced it since it was pretty rough, especially around the waterline. The blue stripe looks neat.

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