Really nice night on the water. Warm, breezy, comfy, beer, grapes, chips. Excellent.
Wind started around 16 kts, dropped to around 8 by the end. Some thoughts on Shields 88 upgrades:
2:1 jib sheets. Very happy to see how these work. The girls could trim in all the way even in the puffs. I tried it and loved it too. Think for super-breezy days we'll take it to the winch.
Jocelyn doesn't hate the console mounted topper. Yay!
Jocelyn II (the Tacktick Micro Compass) works really well. Everyone on the boat can see it well, and it seems to react very quickly. Mount is cool.
New cunningham is great. Pivoting exit block means it can be led anywhere, and it's just about the simplest lowest profile system possible. Even at 4:1 Niki can pull it all the way to the boom.
Mainsheet finetune. Really nailed this one out of the box. Girl-friendly main trim! May remove the stopper ball, as it beans people in the face, but otherwise all is well.
New mast. Way bendier. Kind of like it. We'll see how it works in the big breeze, but see a lot more tunability than our old one .
Color coded settings: forestay is now calibrated to 3 gross tune colors, with numbers in between. Backstay is now marked. "pull it to blue" Why didn't I do this last year?
Hope we see weather like last night again, it was perfect!
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